Welcome crochet design friend!

If you want to learn how to create amazing designs from scratch, you’ve come to the right place!

Whether you are just starting out or want to take your crochet design journey from part-time to fulltime, Christina Crochet Coach loves to help you with that!

Meet your crochet design veteran

Just to give you an idea of what’s possible for you: I’ve sold more than 90k worth of patterns (and counting), with almost 10,000 patterns sold of my no. 1 bestselling design and 40 different designs published.

When it comes to how to make your crochet designs dreams a reality, no one’s got better experience of this than me. And that’s why I created Christina Crochet Coach!

Because what’s possible for me, is possible for you as well.

I specialize in creating unique designs that stand out!

And if I can, so can you…

Listen to the Mind of the Crochet Designer Podcast

Grab your hook and favorite WIP and let’s dive into the Mind of the Crochet Designer! In the podcast, I discuss a variety of subjects, such as the fear of copying other designers, how to get your designs seen (even without a big social media following) and that magical inspiration. 

You also get to listen in to interviews with other designers (upcoming and VERY established) and yarn brands. 

If you are an (aspiring) crochet designer, this podcast is for YOU!