Sign up for the waitlist and be the first to know all about the Mind of the Crochet Designer

If you are an aspiring crochet designer, subscribe to the waitlist today and be the first to know all about my new and exclusive online program!

I want to know all about it!

Is this you?

Do you ever scroll through Instagram, seeing all the beautiful and innovative crochet designs from the designers you LOVE and think to yourself, I wish I could be a professional crochet designer as well?


Do you have a book full of ideas, but it seems like your design style goes all over the place?


Do you yearn with every fiber in your being to spend more time being creative? To even start working as a creative, but as a mother/partner/friend/employee there’s a constant fight for your time and energy. Your 9-5 job, getting the children to school, having the car fixed, the endless pile of laundry, birthday parties, cooking and cleaning. And at the end of it all, you’re just exhausted and you feel like you’re spread too thin.


You long to begin your new and exciting crochet design journey, but every time you start with a new design you’re overwhelmed with all the possibilities. The design combinations are literally ENDLESS and choosing between them makes you feel stuck! So in the end you make something, but you don’t really like it. And you feel like you’re not good enough.


Or maybe one day, you do decide to go for it. You release your first crochet pattern. But the response is really underwhelming and you get discouraged. And worse yet, insecure.

How do I become a professional crochet designer?

If you could recognize yourself in the text above, then subscribe to the waitlist! Because I have made this exclusive online program specifically for YOU!

Meet your coach! Christina Hadderingh

Christina Hadderingh is a crochet designer since 2016. She combines books and nature with crochet design and is known for her CAL and read-alongs such as the Hotel of Bees shawl, the History of Trees shawl and the 2020 Scheepjes CAL.

Next to crochet designer, she is also a coach and helps (aspiring) crochet designers create patterns that actually sell!

Sign up for the waitlist and be the first to know all about the Mind of the Crochet Designer

If you are an aspiring crochet designer, subscribe to the waitlist today and be the first to know all about my new and exclusive online program!

I want to know all about it!

@ 2023 Christina Crochet Coach. All rights reserved